AO: The Warrior

When: 06/28/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Fonda, Foxhole, Slogger,

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Fonda

The BackBlast:

F3 Lucky “26”

3 HIM held down things back here at “The Warrior” while three of our Indian Valley brothers joined in on the shenanigans at the Convergence in Harrisburg. After the Beatdown, we definitely felt in in our arms and legs…but mostly in our lungs. Yeah, those “Heart Chargers” definitely do live up to their name!! Great morning, PAX. Way to “Go Get It”!


-Arm Circles/Circle Arms: IC-13x each direction

-Michael Phelps: IC-13x

-SSH: IC-13x

-Weed Pickers: IC-13x

-Windmill: IC-13x

-Imperial Walkers: IC-13x



*All exercises are done IC-13x=26 total (unless stated otherwise)


Pavilion – Round #1:

Set 1:             Merkins                                             Step-Ups

Set 2:             Dips                                                    Calf Raises (IC-26x)

*6 Hills


Softball Field/Playset -Round #2:

Set 1:             Against the Fence – 1:15sec Timed Stationary Squat

Set 2:             Upright rows on Swings (2 Sets: SC-13)

*Mosey back to pavilion


Pavilion – Round #3:

Set 1:             Dirkins (SC:13x)                              Alt. Side Squats

Set 2:             Alt. Shoulder Taps                          Mountain Climbers

*3 Heart Chargers


Pavilion – Round #4:

Set 1:             Low Plank (60 Sec.)                            Forward Lunge

Set 2:             High Plank w/ Alt. Arm Ext.            Reverse Lunge

*6 Hills (then mosey back to pavilion)


-Flutter Kicks: IC-26x

-Freddie Mercury: IC-26x

-LBC’s: IC-26x





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F3 - Indian Valley
MYTH: I need to get in shape before I start working out. TRUTH: Men of all fitness levels achieve their goals at F3. Don’t wait—start tomorrow morning!
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