Discounted Ruck

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with 15 Michael Phelps, 15 overhead claps, 15 weed pickers and 15 SSH, all IC All Pax ruck in line with coupon. Pax…

BJBBCHCs & 41-33

It has been a few weeks since I’ve been too Crazy Horse. Every time I’m here I like to leverage the whole park. I tried to get a little creative…

Mosey with 1 ups

F3 Principles and disclaimer. Warmup with 15 overhead claps, 15 seal claps, 15 weed pickers all IC. Finished with some child’s pose and cobra stretches. Beat down consisted of short…

Plank Army Crawl

Qing at Crazy Horse is always an honor. So much park to work with!! 5:30 – 5:32 Intro Warm-up Side Straddle Hops (20x) Arm Circles / Circle Arms (15x each)…

Wilt 100s

A few PAX and family members recently went to Hersey. It got me thinking of possibly the most impressive sporting achievement of all time, when Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points…

Murder Bunny Suicides

F3 principles and disclaimer given. Warm up with Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Weed Pickers and Motivators. Field set up with cones at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. Murder Bunnies…

F3 - Indian Valley
NOTICE: The regular Chieftain workout for Wednesday, 9/11 is being held at a different location. Join us for our:
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